Saturday, January 2, 2010

Land raider coloring

The Daemonhunters codex has two different examples of how to paint a GK landraider. Problem is theres a huge area between the two sides that isn't detailed, so it's left as an exercise to the reader to guess at what to put there. They sides pictured don't even show the headlight covers, exhaust, assault ramp edge, front guns, or treads, proving they didn't even paint a whole land raider when making the codex. Many people just paint the whole middle section silver, and it looks weird, boring, bland.

I like both examples, so decided to do both, and to help figure out what to put in the middle, I took two pictures of my white primed tank and started drawing on them in paint shop pro

You can see both sides from the codex fit on the same tank nicely, and I've gone with a silver polished gunmetal color for the middle of the tank and the overall plating will be in they grey knights' silver steel.

On the left side I've added a stripe at the back that carries up onto the top, and on the right side I've added a stripe crawling up the door and connecting to the top hatches.

The gold hatch is an idea for if I use Chronus in the tank, I'll have to see how it looks in real life since metal is hard to simulate by just coloring a picture.

The grey is going to be whitish silver, and dark grey is closer to boltgun metal, but lighter than that.

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