Orks: Nobwagon w/ KFF PK bigmek and 7 nobs, painboy. Burnawagon w/ 12 burna boys, 1 burna bigmek with KFF. 15 lootas. 2x30 shoota boy squads w/ two big shootas and one rokkit. 3 kans with grotzookas, 1 deff dread with 3 DCCWs
Marines: captain with command squad with champion, all power swords. 10 sternguard in droppod. 2 ironclad dreadnoughts in droppods. 3x tac squad in rhino, fist sgt. vindicator. predator lascannon on top, heavy bolters on sides.
annihilation, pitched battle, nick goes first
nick’s list is way more mechanized than mine ever was (6 tanks and 3 pods!), so foam from my army trays stand in for rhinos, and the rhino with the hatch open is the command razorback. vindicator and predator are as pictured.
1st turn, nick
sterno can drops near cover to let the dreadnought pods come in later
predator exploded burna wagon! deffrollas 0, marines 1.
vindicator learns how short 2 feet is.
1st turn, ben
shooting: lootas blow up the vindicator’s main weapon, yes!
2nd turn, nick
sternguard hide behind bunker
ironclad drops right in front of nobwagon
tanks shift up a bit
a few burnas killed
dreadnought blew the kannon off the nobwagon
2nd turn, ben
movement: everyone but lootas moved up. wagonless burnas hide in the ruined building
nobwagon decides to drive through the dreadnought and into the vindicator: deffrolla immobilizes the dread and blows both arms off, the newly armless dread couldn’t do anything but explode as the wagon drove over him (ram attack vs vehicle after defrolla attack). the wagon trundles its 13 inches and touches the corner of the vindicator’s oversized bulldozer blade, exploding the whole tank. deffrollas 2, marines 1.
shooting: lootas blew the storm bolter off a rhino, boys shot two sternguard who weren’t hiding well enough.
3rd turn, nick
movement: rhinos decide the nobwagon is a problem and scoot away from it. one rhino ends up immobilized right in front of it and so poops its marines so they can run
3rd turn, ben
movement: nobwagon tries to ram the rhino and some others, but gets stuck too! cursed difficult terrain! it poops nobs who swarm around the rhino. the boys run up to both other rhinos
assault: the boys blew up one rhino, not the other
lootas forget to shoot! i guess they rolled a 0 for how many rounds they get to fire
4th turn, nick
movement: dropped last dread behind boys, disembarked command squad
shooting: a few boys killed
marines shot flamer and 15 bolter rounds and predator at nobs: 1 dies (lascannon)
sternguard fire a barrage of rapid fire 2+ poison rounds at boys, kill only 6
4th turn, ben
movement: boys advance over the flaming wreckage of the rhino and up towards the predator, kans are finally in range of something!, wagonless burnas retreat away from the scary dreadnought towards the lootas
shooting: lootas blow another storm bolter off a rhino
assault: nobs erase a tac squad without a scratch
5th turn, nick
shooting: two marine squads and sternguard shoot all the ork boys dead
assault: command squad vs nobs: 5 wounds put on the nobs, everyone but captain and the apothecary dies
5th turn, ben
movement: kans move up, they shouldn’t have deployed in the corner because they’ve been running all game.
shooting: lootas shake dreadnought
assault: nobs all have a wound now but command squad is no more
6th turn
every marine in the chapter shoots or stabs the nobs and wipe them out. game is mostly over, so even though the die comes up in favor of turn 7 we call it and count up kill points
nick lost 9 kill points, ben lost 5
orks win!
ben consistently rolled way too lucky with dice, at one point the nobs rolled iirc 6 6s in a row for nob wounds, and the lootas rolled Heavy 3 every single round. nick consistently rolled below average, as is unfortunately his wont!
bad ork performance: the kans got to shoot just a bit at the end, the deff dread didn’t do anything at all, and the burnas were useless and hiding without their wagon.
good ork performance: the nobs cleaned up. the lootas did their job well. the deffrolla won so many awards for completely wiping out 265 points in one ram.. the image of a battlewagon literally driving over and chewing up an ironclad dreadnought is a michael bey moment.
ork lessons learned: more boys wouldn’t have helped, but some grots would have been nice. the wagons don’t need a KFF in each if they roll 6” from each other, this means a warboss can ride with the nobs and free up an elite slot for some more lootas or whatever. deff dread and kans really need to deploy front and center to make sure they can actually reach combat. burnas need a power klaw with them or they’re completely useless even when right next to enemy vehicles. lootas and deffrollas are the champs, i think my wagons are just right except for the possible extra KFF. against marines the burnas could have been subbed for.. anyone, even just boys. i do like the burna wagon a lot, but some tankbustas might have been nice vs marines.
I am bit surprised how well you did Ben. It's hard to get a perfect picture of the game without making a table of when stuff was destroyed, but it sounds like you popped a bunch of his vehicles before they even had a chance to do anything useful.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on a successful game!